Frequestly asked Questions

We are sure that you will have many questions to ask about the club so here are some answers to the more frequently asked questions.

How do I find out what is going on at the tennis club?

If you have opted to receive e-mails on clubspark when you joined, we will be able to keep you up to date by e-mail. There is lots of information on the website, Facebook and also on the clubhouse boards or you can get in touch with one of the committee members or e-mail

What are the basic rules for using the tennis courts?

When using the tennis courts, could you please follow these basic rules:

  • Wear tennis shoes and sports clothing of any colour
  • Use plastic bottles or cups to avoid broken glass or china
  • Wait until the game in-play is complete before walking close to or through a court where a match is in progress
  • Turn your mobile phones off when league or tournament matches are in progress
  • Avoid using foul or abusive language or abusing equipment

How do I book a court?

To book a court (without charge) for up to 2 hours or check court availability, go to Booking.

If you forget your ID or password please email for help.

How do I get into the tennis courts

There are gates onto the tennis courts. These gates are normally locked with a combination code (the combination is changed periodically). As a member, you will be advised of the current combination by email as and when it is changed.

How do the floodlights work?

  • You can buy a 30 minute floodlight token at the bar for £2. Feed the token into the appropriate meter in the clubhouse.
  • You will get 5 minutes warning from the coloured lights on the floodlight posts before the lights turn off.
  • Once the lights have gone out they cannot be switched back on for around 10 minutes.
  • Please note that all of the tennis court floodlights automatically turn off at 10pm.

What is the priority for court usage?

Adult members take priority on weekdays after 6pm, except for coaching courses.

Junior members take priority on the mini-tennis (KidZone) court.

Can I bring a guest to play tennis?

You are welcome to bring guests three times each season (1st April to 31st March) per guest without charge.

Is there any coaching available to improve my game?

Tennis coaching, for juniors and adults, is available on a group or an individual basis via our coaching staff. Check out what we have available here.

How do I help keep the courts in good condition

  • Tennis shoes must be worn - not running shoes, studs, blades, grooves or heels which may damage the courts.
  • When you finish please brush the court, clean the lines, pick up litter and slacken the net.
  • If you are last to leave please shut all the gates and secure the padlocks to prevent unauthorised access.

When can I play social "mix-in" tennis?

Adult club sessions are held several times a week here.

They take place all the year round and it is rare for the weather to put everyone off! So, please come along - whatever your standard.

What is the policy on use of the courts by children?

Children at Senior School may use the courts with no requirement for adult supervision. Children of Primary School age may only play under the supervision of an adult.


Using the Clubhouse Facilities


What facilities are available at the clubhouse?

The clubhouse has changing facilities, toilets and a bar. The bar area provides satellite television, ample seating and good beer! The normal opening hours for the bar are 6pm to 11pm in the week and 12 noon to 11pm at weekends.

If you find yourself leaving at a time when there is no one else in the clubhouse, please remember to lock all doors and windows before you leave so that the security of the club is not compromised.

What is the policy on use of the clubhouse by children?

Parents are asked to take responsibility for their children in the clubhouse and on the sports field and ensure that they abide by the licensing laws. Children of 14 or over may use the clubhouse without supervision. Children under 14 can use the clubhouse under supervision if they are well behaved.

What is the clubhouse wifi code?





Are any social events organised?

Each of the playing sections of the Club organises its own social functions. Tennis events are advertised on the notice boards, via email to members and on the Club website. All members, playing or social, are welcome to attend any of the social functions. Any suggestions you have for future functions will be welcomed.

How is the Hampton Sports Club run?

Hampton-in-Arden Sports Club Limited runs the Sports Club. Sub Committees that report into the Board of Directors of the Club control each playing section of the Club. Accounts are on display in the clubhouse or in the members' area of the web site. The Sports club AGM will be held at the clubhouse at 7.30pm on Monday 27th February 2023.

Who are the main contacts at the Sports Club?

If you have any questions to ask or suggestions to make, please approach the relevant Director or Committee member who will be pleased to help you.

Sports Club Contacts


Can I help?

Yes please! The Club is run by volunteers and extra help is always welcome.